Jan 23, 2007

BankerSpank.com: Credit Unions Continue to Push Customer Service

If you haven’t yet checked out BankerSpank.com, you should. The website has been established with the purpose of communicating the message that Credit Unions provide a better level of customer service than banks. This is the story that Credit Unions have told for quite some time; and, while it used to be enough to separate Credit Unions from Banks – it isn’t anymore.

In today’s industry, with talk of Banks using customer service training from the likes of Walt Disney and Ritz Carlton, it’s obvious that Banks realize the importance of customer service – service that goes above and beyond “good” or “expected” customer service. In fact, many financial institutions are raising the bar on customer service and striving for customer delight, not mere satisfaction.

The customer service gap that traditionally gave Credit Unions a competitive advantage over Banks has essentially disappeared. The bottom line is that customers demand more from their experiences with you, and this starts with customer service that does more than simply get the job done.

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