Sep 2, 2008

It's Time to Own Your Market

It isn't easy being a bank or credit union today. Institutions are faced with a series of increasingly pressing challenges - from aggressive competition and shifting demographic characteristics, to changing consumer behaviors and the impact of commoditization within the industry. These challenges are complex; and they require that banks and credit unions think differently about their markets, their brands, and how each impacts their strategies for growth.

Recognizing these challenges, and the impact they have on today’s financial institutions, has prompted us to partner with
Creative Brand Communications to offer banks and credit unions a new service called Own Your Market. Over the past few months, we’ve worked together to help a group of institutions take the first steps towards owning their markets. And today, we’re pleased to announce the formal launch of the new service for banks and credit unions.

Own Your Market is an innovative service to help forward-thinking financial institutions align market opportunities with brand strengths to develop market dominance. It is designed to help institutions:

· Understand their markets and their opportunities in those markets
· Create a brand that is relevant to their markets
· Position themselves for competitive advantage
· Convey value added through the customer experience

For more information about Own Your Market, please visit

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